Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

10 THOMA W. BROW Tom wa born in Chicauo, 111., and pre en11y li in Alban . He i a rraduat of Fordham niver ity with a B. . d gr and ha erv d in the . Army. Tom parti ipated in the foUowinu ]a, chool activitie. : ational loot ourt omp ti– tion Team, 3; 'loot ou rt, 2, 3; hairman, 'foot Court ommitte , 3; Ba rri t r' R g– i t r, 3: Jewman Club 2, 3. A THO Y F. 80 ADIO nthony wa born in Roche t r, • . Y., and i a gradual of the ni r it) of Rochester ' her lw recei' ed a B.:. de~re . He i am mb r of Phi Delta Phi fraternit)'. Hi hn cbool acti ities ha\e been: Intra– mural ba ketball, 2, 3; t'wman Club, 2, :3.