Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access
CO TA Tl E G. CHOLAKI ·'Gu:," is marriC'd ancl rC':,idC's in Tro~. TlC' RC'nC'd in thC' .:. I.C., and allainE'd tlw rank of .'~t. H ~ra•luatC'd from ._'iC'na ·with a B.. d ~r e. ~· hil at law .chool he worl d on the Le~a] id :ocict~ and as a membC'r of the Election Commill LO IS JF RELLI . wh re hC' r<':>i•lel:l with his '"if , Gloria and th ir child. He allendcd :tal<' T<'ach r5 .oll ~ in \lban). and senE'cl in Lh<' .•. Arm)' for 2 ~ an<, allainin~ the ranl of ~l. lf<' '"a" a memh r of Kappa DE'Ila Rho fratC'r– niL). His ]a,, ~chool acli\ ili<'. include: Law RE', ie\\, A~so ial Editor, 2; Editor-in– Chi<'f, La,, R<'' i "' 3; Execuli\e ,ommit– l e, :.B . .. 3: Publications CommillC'E', :.B . ., :3: ::\Io t Court Comp<'tition, 2. Hi. H\\ ards WE're: Trust e\ First .~cholar hip, l: :al s l'rize, 2. Lou inLC'ruls lo practice' hm in tica, \. Y. II
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