Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

GEORGE D. C CJIRA G org ' a born in ndicoll, and h and hi wif mak it their home. H i, a !!raduat of Alban :tate Teacher ' wh re he was a memb r of Pi OnH'~a Pi fnH<T– n it) . JOH H. OGA Jack i~ marri d and at thib writill!! th father of a 10\. I) ) Ollll!! lad). nati' Albanian, he all nd d ,' iena and s ned a hitch in the '\a,) before comin!! to law t-<•hool. \Vhile at hm school lw \~as a m m– h<'r of both the E I<' Lions and Entertain– ment Commi ltecs. 13