Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access
16 J, ElL DEVI E \eil li' es in \las;.. na, . \., and intend~ to practic Ia" th r . H i - a !!raduat of Le\Ioyne Coli ~ "her h r c j, d a B.S. de~r \~hit in la" hool, his acti\ itie;.. w r : C\\lnan Club, 1, 2. 3 ~ ,'. B. . En– tertainm nt Commitl e, 1, 2: Le~al id, :~: 1\loot Court, l , 2, :~. WILLI '1 A. DE MA . Bill ~raduat d from ,') racu · with a B. d e~r . H s n d on acti\ e dut) with the :n), and is no\\ a mC'mb r of the Resen e. Whil at law · hool h wa a m mb r of LC'~al id. He expe t, to practic in Sulli– \an Count\.
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