Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

18 THO lA P. FEOLA Tom'~ homel0\\11 is Schen clad), . ): ., and h inl ntl~ to praclic ' law th r . He all nded the ni' n;il) of Briel~! port \\here he \HI::; a member of ,' il!ma Phi A lpha fralcrnit~. '\\ hile in law t~ hool, h e was a mem bcr of the wman Club. CIIAHLE J. l''ARO E '"Chu k" ., and inl nd~ to practic law Lh r . lie and hi wif , Teresa pre entl y r id Lher . He i a ~racluale of Siena Coil ~e and holds a B.A. dewee. ~'hil at lban) La" h ' as a member of the 1'\ "man Club.