Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access
FREDERICK A. FERRARO Fred graduated from i na' ith a B.B. d gr . ~ hil at ]a, s hool h wa a mem- b r of the w1nan -lock 'enale ommitt , and the nlict ~'tafT. He i · married, a hal)())" fath r, and xpect to practic in e' York :tat . DAVlD H. FJ K D;n e is from Hudson. II allcnded nion \ h re h was a m mbC'r of Kappa u fraternit). Jn law r:;chool he "od... ed on tltc Yenlict aiHI Barrister::. HC'~istcr. H<' also sen d on the \lock. Senate and Publica– Lion ' CommitL e . 19
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