Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

20 KE ETII K FORMA Ken ~radut d from Harpur "ith a B.A. def!rCe. He wal:l a member of [ota Tau 1-..appa frat rnil). lle '-<''"' l:'d thre ) ars in the rill). Whil<> at Ja,, "chool, h partici– pated in intramural bal:ll. tball aml sen cd a: Co-Chairman of tlw Entertainm nt Com– mill e. He i" marri<•cl and e"pecb to pra<·– tiee in White Plain:-. CIIAHLE' . l<'lORELLA "Ciaicl.' is a nati\C of BufTalo, r. ., ancl all ud d the niverl'it) of Buffalo, wh<'rc h wa a m mb r of lpha Phi Delta fraternity. He was a m mb •r of the Coa"t ,.-uard for 2 )Cars. ~'hile in hm school, hi a tidti ' ha,e b en: intramural ba..ketball, l, 2, :~; Athletic Comm., l; IJe~al id .~ocif?L~, 2 ~ ~:ntertainnt~ul Comm., 2; 1\loot Court Team, 3: Prt>sidenl, Student Bar A oc., 3; Chai.rman, ,'tudenl Bar , ociation D<>lcl!alion to A.L..·. Comention; Tational Chairman, A.L.S.. \[emb rship Connnittee; member .L..".. ational \Toot Court Committee. H plans to practice law in B u If a lo.