Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access
ALBERT FHEDERICK 1\1 i~ married and ha~ on<> child. ll<> was horn in Pou~hk<>epsi<>, and <' ·peels to pra - Lie<' th re. He ~radual<'d from nion with a B.S. de~re<>. He i~ a nu•mh<'r of . ' i!!ma Phi fralf'rnit). LILLIA . }'lUEOMA "'Our Lil'' 18 married and resiclf"s 111 :chenectady. .'inc<> cominl!: to law 8chool, ;;he has ~<·n·ed a8 Class . ·<' rf'Lar) in our fir8L ~<'ar, and Chairman of the L<>~al id Sociel) . .'he ha;; al;;o worked on the 'lo<·k SC'nale Committe<', til<' Barrist<•r's He~i;..Ler, and th ' erdi<·t. 21
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