Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

WILLARD H. HARRI , JR. \'\' ill i~ from Lockport and expects to pra tice there. He i a ~raduate of Hobart Colle~e \\her<' he wa, a member of Theta Oelta Chi fraternity. H wa, on Law Re iew at law ;;cbool and , r ed as Chairman of Lh<' Placement Committee. ~ ill i: married. WlLLlAM E. liE RY Bill'. hom town i L Ro), "\-. Y. He i;; marr·ied and has a hand ome son. Bill "as Class Tr asurer in both his Lt aiHl 2JHl ) ear at law schoo I. In hi nior year he served as .'.B.A. ,'e r tar), Chairman of the Publicati.on , Committee, and W<t- aeli\'e in alional .L.:.A. affair,. 25