Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access
30 DA IEL T. MA l G Dan is from usahl Fork.::, and xp cl::. to pra ti e th r . He ~raduat d from \ er· mont, and ' a · a memb r of . appa lpha fraternit). l laws hool h has; \\Orked on th :\lock 'enate Committ and L ~al id 'oci l). H won th<' Cou~titutional Law Priz , and sencd a~ ~soc iatc Editor or the Barrister's Re~ibt r and ~loot Court Hepr entali\ . lA G. \-1 cOO ALD lan grad uated from uion with a B.. d gree. H was a m mh r of Psi p ·ilon frat rnity. He has uli ·t d in th .S.l\l.C. for a thre year t rm. pon r tu rnin{!, he expect . to practi in hi home town or B aeon.
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