Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access
MATTHEW JJ. 1ATAHA 0 " latty" wa born in 7 ew or·k buL now makes hi home in lban y. He i a gradu- al of , iena. H er cd two y ar in th Army, r a hing the g;rade of Cpl. ln law hool l\Iatt wa a memb r of th r wman Club, and workecl on the Pmf s·im1al He– lation CommitL<•c and the \ e rdi t ' taff. H i married and th fath r of a Jo, l) young lad , . .JOII r P. 1cCOJU11Ch. John all nded Alban) ,' tate Tcachcno "here h was a member of the Potter Club. H ~raduated with a B.A. 1le~ree in 1955. He xp t, to practice in his hom town of Llttl Fall . 31
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