Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

38 JAME AVOID Jim' hom town is Brooklyn, but he e - pe ts to practice in Alban_. H gradual d from 1 . • . with a B. . d ~ree, and wa, a m mb r of Ome~a ]>si Phi fraternity. H . rved in the ;\ir Force for four year, , altainin{! the rank of Te h. , gt. FRED A. RUBI Fred wa graduated from olgate ' ith an .B. d gree. H wa am mber of J appa Delta Rho fraterniLy. While al ]a, , chool he ervcd a La out lanag r of th "Y N– dict", and wa a member of th I>uhlica– tion Commilt e. H took part in the Junior AppeUat Argument and in Lhe Regional .:\[oot Courl ompNition. Fr d and hi wif plan to tay in lban) where he e peel Lo pracLice.