Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

40 GARY E. ~11TH Gar~ ~racluatecl from ia~ara "ith a B.:. d ~ree in E onomi l'. H ~ rvecl in the rm) , attainin~ th rank of 1 L Lt. H<' is married and has two ]o, el) hildr n, n of a h vari t). He xp ct. to pra tic in his homelO\\ n of Ro ht>stt>r. THO 1A j. I GLETO Tom ~ot his B.. de~r e from llnm) :tat T a h r15. H did ~raduat work at Iar) land and , orbonn . He n cl in th rm) , and now make hi, hom in 'h. Ki co. Tom is marri d, and work d on the Election Committee whil at law . chool.