Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

JA IE C. TllA EY Jim is marri<>cl and li <'S in Latham "ht>r<' lw e ' JH' ts to pra tic<>. H<> ~rad ua L d rrom "\liddlebury with a B.. de~n'e. H "erv('d in the 1'111) allainin!! the rank or Captain. \~'hil at law s J.ool he work (I on the V relict, the Barrister' Re~i ter, and took part in th<> J nnior pp<>llate r~u­ nwnt. ALPHO T. TOR CE •\I l!rtUluated rront :ieua \\ilh a B.A. dt>)!re . li<' continu<'d at .'iena and recei,ed hi:. \T. . del!ree. H<> <' Jl<'<'l;, to practict> in tht' capital di,Lrict. 41