Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

42 DANIEL R. T YLOR Dan alteml d Hami1ton wher he wa a member of D Ita p ilon fraternity. H erved two year in Lhe rmy. Whi1 at law chool h ha won th Oa\'id Br wer :cho1ar hip, th Equit) Priz , th Law) r's Cooperali Priz , and wa a member of Law R view. He i married and has a hand- Rom.- on. WALTER M. TROUP WaiL wa, born in Albany, but now mak.-, hi hom in \'(Tilton, . H graduaL cl from nion ' iLh a B.A. degr . Whi1 in coli g h e wa a memb r of Chi P i frat r· nity. v:·ah rved in the l avy a a Lt. (jg. ) He i married and th faLh r of t'i o lovely daughter .