Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

CII HLE . WEBB Cltarli atleJHI d lfred ni' rsit) anti " ned in the 1r Force b fore comin~ to law schooL "hil al law chool h wa on Law R iew r inp; a R cent Deci ion!:i Editor. H wa a m mb r of th [o k : nate Committee and Chairman of the Profe siona l Relation Commill e. He was c le t d Presicl nl of th , nior Cia . H ha h n appointed to th Attorn 7Cn- era l's ffic in lban)'. FORREST G. \\ EEK •·Fo rT) " is nurrTied ami the father of l\\ o t•ule female:,. Il e ~raduated from l' 'llll· ") hania, and \\as a member· of l';,i p::; ilon fraternit). He \\On lh<' Dennis Prize at Ia\\ "· hool, and '' ork( d 011 tiH' L<·~al .Aiel So<·iel). lie also -.<'ned as •\>eoncl .'enior Librarian. 45