Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access
46 THOMAS M. \\ llALE A nati' of lban~, Tom i a p:raduale of "\lanhatLan Collep: , rew) ork City, and hold a B.B.A. dep:r e. H is a member of lpha ' ip:ma Beta fratcrnit). Ili1:1 acti' itiel> durinp: Jaw bchool ha\e b en a · fol1ows: E ecutive \ ic<' Pre ident, A.L..'.., 3~ Yice Pre ·id nt, , .B.A., 2~ Chairman, l)~mels Committee, A.L..'.A., 2~ Delep:ale, ' ational Com ntion, A.L...' .A., 1, 2; Del p:ate, Re– p:ional Con\ en Lion, 2, 3: \ ic Pr id nt. ' man Club, 3 ~ ,' creta r~, l, 2: loot Court, 2, 3; Entertainm n L Commillce. l, 2: th leti Commill , 2; 1ntramura L, l, 2 3. Tom ha rec iv d the follo"iup: a' arcls: Labor Law J>rize: dministrativ Law Priz : Law)er Co-op ]>ubli8hinp: Co. Priz :and the Outstandinp: ational Chair– man ward. Tom C:\.pe Ls to practic ]a\\ m lbany. I~OB.ERT C. WERTZ Bob i · from BeHero::.e, aml expect to practic on Long 1 land. H i a gra<luat of 1f r d, '' h r h wa a m mber of Kappa \1. t ]a,, chool he wa el cted ' .B.A. Tr asur r, and ned on the Ex cu– Li\ e and Entertainment Committees. H wa · a member of the ~ational ,'.B.A. Panels Committee, and a d J p:at Lo the ·ational '.B.A. Convention.
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