Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

Standing and Select Chairmen The :.ucce,' of " r) pro~ram or acli\ it) at law s hool "a:. a r<'sult of th<' hard \\ ork of on or mor of th e m n. Th cooperation amon~ th<' ,hairmen was excellent, and , uch cooperation i~ nN·e:.sar), ::1inc in nHlll) ca~<':., their fi hL of respon -ibility O\erlap. An C'Xampl of thi was \\hen tlw Pr·ofessional H.elations, \ isual id and Entertainnwnt Commiltees combinC'cl to pre~C'nt the ~ hool \\ith an njo) ahl<' and informaliH' pro~ram on pre-trial conferenc<>s., \\ithout stud nt intere~t a hairmau becomes a ommill e of one. lt i onl) throu~h thi inter st that the commill C':. h;ne the manpO\\<'r with which th ) ma) function proper!) . .'upport ) our connnillees ~o that the') may h<'ll<'r l'<'ne )Oll. 57