Albany Law School Union University 1958 Yearbook (Albany, NY) - Full Access

58 Law Review Th lban} Law Re"iew is published twi c a ) ear, ontainin~ arti l . of inter L to th practicin~ Ia\~~ r ancl to th tudenl. It. m mbt:'rship i compo" d of , tud nls "ith hi{!:h " ho lastic . land in~, and th ir lit rar) lfort are up– plem nted b) arli l ''rill n h) fa uiL) members. Th H \ie" ha just com pi ted its mo~t uc . ful ) ear. Th hi{!:h point rea hed h. the .~ )mpo ium on Estate Plaunin~ has bet:'n rdle ted in increa t'd Rub. ription~, and acknowlecl~meut b the lumni ssociation that the La" Re, i '' has donc a fin<' job of publi rclalions ror Albany La" ,'claool. EDJTOH I L BO RD FIRST ROW-Left to Right, Umbrecht, Webb, Coan SECOND ROW-Left to Right, Taylor, Cifa relli, Frye