Harpur College 1966 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
e watched rocks and dirt pile up all over the campus, and we groaned inwardly, and often aloud, about the loss of space, about the overcrowded parking lots and dorms. We immediately missed those outdoor places where we studied and picnicked and played ball. It was easy to resent the intruding construction; it was inconvenient. But the holes were soon filled with trees or with skeletons of new buildings. And just as there were some who were frustrated by the sleep– less mornings and dirty windowsills, there were others who were fascinated by the machines, excited by the unex– pected completion of a building. There were other changes which accom– panied the physical cftange. We could sense the difference in a growing lack of intimacy, combined with a new excite– ment; the change from hootenannies to rock 'n' roll dances. We could sense the ·~ .. a growing lack of intimacy ... ,, difference in the increased class sizes, the immediate closing of good courses being taught by good men. At times, the whole college seemed amnesic; unable to re– call tts former identity and unable as yet to create a new one. Yet while the college is abstractedly strug– gling with its new tdentity, most of us are much more concerned with our own identities. We feel ourselves a part of the school, and have changed with it and be– cause of it, yet we want to emerge as in– dividuals. Graduation brings these thoughts to a focus. ·~ .. increased class sizes, eaving Harpur is a frightening and an ex– citmg prospect. Suddenly everytfung beyond the little world we have built for ourselves seems threatening and difficult. Above all it seems indifferent, even more so than the growing indifference of the school we must soon leave. And when we think of this, the mud and the noise and the constant change become less bothersome - as graduation nears, they can be viewed almost affectionately. There's been a lot of change; we've changed too, perhaps more than anything else, and that is why there is so much for us to re– member.
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