Harpur College 1966 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
ompliments of ... REED'S FOOTWEAR Headquarter for Old 1aine Trotter Compliments of BENNER WHOLESALE COMPANY Endicott, New York VAUGHN'S CLOTHING INC. Men and Boys T\VO STORES "Ve tal Plaza" and Endicott (Union Dist.), .Y. "Fomwls Rented For All Occasions" The Star Dry Cleaner 73 North Ave. Owego, ~ew York 721 Harry L. Dr. Johnson City, N.\. Vestal Parkway Ve tal, ew York MU 7-3550 RL 4-2444 There is no final stage in education; it is an unending search for knowledge and the continuing development of wisdom. Through them we can recognize and develop opportunities to the fullest extent. To– gether they are the formula for individual and world progress. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION
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