Harpur College 1966 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

~IWIIIIIII 11111111111.:: == = == == = == = "HELENE" Psychom~trist == == - - == = - !15'i- Correct In World-Wide Prophecies, lnriu.~lng' Ike's Heart Attack; KO'rean \\'n r; F D.R.. Tart. Stali n Deaths; CIO-AFL Merger: & Hundreds of Others. YOL'R PERSO:-:AL PSYCHIC READING FOR 0 E YEAR Your i~di\'idual and personal Readi ng compl:l·d after proper lm·estigatlon and P•Y ·hie rest:>arch. lnclu•1es 3.I'Swers to 3 qu<"S!.ons. St'nd blrthdate, and blrthdate of any )Jcrsons your questions conc·ern. (;o.;ot a horoscope!. Donation of .. $10.00 WHO \\'ERE YOU WHE:-.1 YOU WERE ON EARTH BEFORE~ WHAT DID YOIJ DO? \VIIERE DID YOU LIVE? :"\OW YOU CA.."J K::-\0\\' ABOUT YOUR PAST INCAR::o\ATIO!'\S! Ym:r p!'rsc:vnal and lndlvidunl REl:\CAR- ',\T!ON READING. rc··•·l\·ed dlr clly !rom the same secret S•JUI CP. or esoll.'l ic power that was restMct~d to the High Pril·sts and Mystics of the Ancl!'nt Ever- Jlvinl! YAH\\'EH. Three or more o! you r formt'r incarnations des•rlbcd .. Donat:or. or $10.00. Please allow 4 weeks for ordcM;. Send cash, money orders, or checks, to: WHAT'S IN YOUR FUTURE? A htltrr joh? A jouml"\'f Nfl\,. fr ltnfb P FJnd out thtoua:h this duutdt-harrtled orferl Gypsy Witch Fortune-Telling Cards and Hook "Fortune Telling By Cards" GYP!'IY WITCH t1rof, art rtosl,nrd 10 that ,-nu nn tt11 fortu~r c:ully and quickly. 'J'he OlC':..rthlg ''r hu!1 tartl Is prllllf"l on tho ta •' Ac·rompoPn·lns:: tnururllon flll•l~"r f"'· plains tl•e ~lmfll• ILCP: In hl)•lns; out t ho- nrds arhl o,.1klnzo rcadrnu. \\'hlle GYI'"'Y \\"ITt'll rar•l. · ha,· ~ thei r ou·n meamnu ''J.... OH.TC :\1-: T I::LL I~G BY ("'.ARDS" Vl't" complNt' clrt;~Ut"•l instrur· tl(lRI on card rcad~ng-inrludanc: the mean· 1ngs Of the t·ard« thf' ftr\IJU~ ll U'Rll Of Jaylna out the rards anrt maklna: rndtn,,, Tne Information tn this book will make sou .n upert rard rcatl,·r ami enable lOU to amu.e )'OUr f'mtl.Y and fr1rmJs. Pack o! G1 PRY WITCU carda toaothrr nuh book "FOR1'l'XE TELLI!\G DY CAitDS" on!Jr S~.50 po;lt>&ld. Order no>< l "A BOOK THAT LIVES ••• , For sinc~re shrd~nts of Hindu Mogic, Occultism, Natural Magic, Cabalis· tical Magic, Magic P~ntacles, Man· ner of constructing them, A(chemical Magic. Key for the composition of Talismans, Amulets, and Charms t~· quisite for the petfection of Magic. TEACHES EVERY PHASE Of MYSTIC POWER rhe Great Book of Magical Art, Hindu Magic and East Indian Oc· cultism is now combined with The Baolc of Secret Hindu , Ceremonial and Talismanic Magic. Both boolcs originally sold fot $25 each. Now combined into one volume of lass than cs third of the original cosll ~ rhe GllfAT OCCUlT MYSTfRY OF BfiNG. Teaches the entire science and art of Necromancy. lessons in Adepfship, Clairvoyancy, Propelling the Astral Body, every phase of Mystic Power. A huge book, cloth bound, gold stamped. ON YOUR NEWSSTAND THIS MONTH! FLYING SAUCERS BRAND NEW MAGAZINE! The SECRET TEACHINGS of ALL AGES \ 'ast r t' parch into the mysteries or anti - quity has rE',·ealed the once-lost ideas of the- past . • . pr!'s!'n~d and pron•d the wisdom or the aneitont•. ORIGINAL COST: $100 PER COPY! The prt>-puhliration sale or thi• ho"k wa• without known prPCt'dPnl. At its oriJ:inal co't or $100 pu copy, thr en- tiro• first four prints were so ld out be- furP the fir t copy !=•me .?!' the. ~~~ .... ,. PROPHETIC VERSES OF AN OPEN THE DOOR OF THE F Now, in one volume • •• THE COMPLETE PROPHECIES 0 NOSTRADAMUS .. contains enJr~· word or the mor year 3797 A.D. translated. cdlred, a 1oremost authority on :\ostradamus. The ttcr~t of Xn•tr.damu"' llfl\1 t"r lo CM""I"f sh..- tuturt hu ntlf'r bttn tulh uol•tnf'(l Wllh th.s t>f-.ok: \'OU ean ,,., ror Y>~Ur t~t 1hr •rot~t of u~t ,..,, rr an1l r~1at~ hh m.ntle Tlslons to 1Uu111 tYtntt, oa•t and future. ::'\c;stradamus' fortcuu or pa~t erents baft r :, • uue 141th unuuny ar<"ura('y NOW SEE WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDSI 1:1141 nf thf' \\Or'tl - cl~oott> and f"ir•u•• ·1al• r - Atomic wuhre - datf' at tht r.u:t "Hrlo. ttlf ltt"tur n or li H!er - lt'LUII tlmt lll•tn It ff'· turnt. alt'e Fate ot the Jt"ws. t•Pltalhm. trade ur.ln ,lcm. Blue bLWkram blndlnc. R"Cdll 1rtttrlng, 3~•0 pl(t • ORDER TODAY! ONLY $5.00 SEE THE IWMAN AURA! a vital step t oward ___ PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Aura resea rchers ha\e now de,·elor• d a mechanica l means or learning to ~ec tht' human aura-permanent optlcally·per f~c· filters mounted In a pair or goggles ad justable to your hcad-~lze. They lra1c your hands free ! Up to now the mos t highly de1•eloped psychic ha,·e had to learn to see the human aura with the aid o! awkwa rd physical mt>ans~xpen­ slve fragile screens and hand-held films, treated with obscure dyes of st.u:t-lh·ed power. NOW - YOU CAN BE AMONG 'rHE FIRST . to own aura goggles In thts C<'Untry. To detect aura rad iation from the hu- man body. animals or inanimate things you need only a few minutes pra•tlce with AURA GOGGLES. The te1thrr f ramrs !It close to your head to ~hut out al l unwanted light ra~·s . The r;.tl·r. arc pinacyanole bromld<', a coal tar derlvallvc that is not c~penshe and will not deteriorate with agl' or u e. Or the few researchers "ho halt' had the prh liege or tesllng the goggles. more than 90"( ha\e seen tl1.:> aura on their first tt~ ! AURA GOGGLES arc a scientifically manura turr.d psychic appllanc.,, wth pinac>·anole bro- mide !liters. boxed wlth complete in- •tructlons -----------··--------· $10.00 ORDER IMMEDIATELY AND GET ABSOLUTELY FREE a copy o r S)lectally-~rcparcd pamphlet, "Seelng the Aura." a book about what aura vision means to YOU~