Harpur College 1966 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

Watches Radios nationally adverti ed Diamonds Appliances BALIN'S JEWELERS Jewelry Televisions Morrie Balin Jeweler Phone RA 9-4431 69 Court St. Binghamton, N. Y. the young look- the DAVIDS look The Fairview Press ·Printing - Commercial and ocial ·Pictures ·Framin~ ·Artist upplie ·Rubber Stamps 12 Henry Street Bin~hamton. N.Y. phone RA-2-777-+ SHARKEYS For the Best In Clams Spiedies Hot Pies 56 Glenwood Ave. Thank You - Class of '66 Come Back and See Us Again HYKUR'S Feminine Apparel Binghamton (}Jin9hamton Optical DISPENSERS ·INC. 17 Mam Strut Bmghamton 1303 !vfonrot Slrttl Endzco/1 compliments of LARAWAY JEWELERS 70 Court Street Congratulations SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., INC. 174 Court Street