Harpur College 1966 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kera George Kerber Dean and Mrs. M1lton Kerker Roselyn and Ruby Kiken Mr. and Mrs . Seymour Klein Mr. and Mrs. William C. Klem Mr. and Mrs. J. Kliban Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Koenig Mr. and Mrs . B. Krem Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kre1ndel Mrs. Helen Kressel Mr. and Mrs . Ellis Krohn Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kroposk1 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Krotosky W. Kowalski Mr. and Mrs . Benjamin Kramer Mr. and Mrs. L. Knegsman Dr . and Mrs. Anthony R. Kritravsky Harold J. Ladouceur Mr. and Mrs . M. L. Land Jack Landress Ronni J. Lapatin Vivian Leblang Dr. and Mrs . M. Lebowitz Mr. and Mrs . B. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Irving Levine Mr. and Mrs . R1chard Lev1ne Mr. and Mrs. S. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Levitas Beatrice B. Levy Mr. and Mrs. I. Levy Jonathan S. Levy Sharon Rae Lew1n Joseph Llchstem Mr. and Mrs . H. Lieberman Mr. and Mrs . Jerome Light Mr. and Mrs . M. Lmden Mr. and Mrs . Anthony Lisi Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Llterman Mr. and Mrs. Ben Y. L1u Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Londner G. E. Longhurst William Lonsdale Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Loren Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorton Henry Lowin Mr. and Mrs. George Lubrow Mrs. Rae Lubrow Mr. and Mrs. H. Lustbader W. G. McCabe Mr. and Mrs . J. McGovern Dr . Dav1d R. McKee Mr. and Mrs. George McSparron Robert C. MacArthur Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Macleod Mr. and Mrs . Donald H. Macleod, Sr. Morton B. Maltz Mr. and Mrs . Jack Mandel Mr. and Mrs. Philip Manheim Marion Mann Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Markowitz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Martello Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Martin Mr. and Mrs . Jaromir Maticka Max Mayer Florence C. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Meadow Mr. and Mrs . Thomas C. Mehs Anthony Meloro Mr. and Mrs . Walter M1ck Eugene Milbauer Mr. and Mrs. George Miller Mr. and Mrs . Howard E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Milman Jean Minsky Jacob and Sarah Mintzer Mr. and Mrs . John Miranda Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Norwood C. Moore Everett B. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrissey Mr. and Mrs . Gordon Muck Joseph Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nash Julius and Ruth Nash Mr. and Mrs . A. Nemoy Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nestle Mr. Michael Niezgoda Murray Nissim Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Nordw1nd Mr. and Mrs . Samuel Novak Dr. and Mrs. J. Nussbaum Mr. and Mrs . Philip J. Olmstead Mrs . Frances Olsen Mr. and Mrs. John Onysyk Mrs. Anite V. Opper Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Owens Mr. and Mrs . J. Packman •
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