Harpur College 1966 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

·acK un r a.rrn nxr::IrLplllle8 vuiu U81Vn v1 cne v 1ernamese CHARLES ~IOHR tal to Tilt New York nm<s 'RI, South Vietnam, -A leathery old farmer wispy beard and his reworn wife squatted heels as a young Amer- ltenant spoke to them an interpreter this n. them we're sorry we them but we thought ·e Vietoong," said First Lynn Lancaster of {is. 11ratroopers of A Com- econd Battalion, 173d , Brigade, had just con- classic infantry !.Chool m the farm of Le Van 1cstcm Haung'hia Prov- out 35 miles west of The incident was an ve example ot how ex- ' confusing, tragic and es futile the war in letnam can be. tnday the paratroopers lecond Battalion fought ng battle a. few hundred vay with a battalion of s. terriUa!l Were Killed ~ericans killed at least '·uas while driving them iieep bunkers and fox- mg the dikes of canals l.r-ca.ne fields. The para- • dreds, probably thousands, of lbeen Vietcong but that they had rounds of bullets ripped into no weapons. tile still-standing house. One enlisted man remarked • When the troops reached it, that the farmer had probably a young radioman, apparently helped the Vietcong dig th~ oblivious of the furor United bunkers tile Americans had run States marines caused last into. August by burning down !huts, But after a little interroga- swore and announced he was tion by Lieutenant Lancaster going to set the hut afire with and an intelligence sergeant his lighter. But it would not with a pink and purple heart burn. and the words "Jim and Another soldier found old Le Gloria," tattoed on his arm, the Van Gla and his wife hiding in lieutenant apologized for the a bomb shelter just across a damage and for tile sugar cane small canal. burned by shellfire. The wife poured tea from a All Le Van Gia said was, pot into the shallow lid of the "Can I go back to work now?" teapot• for her husband as he ' 'Tell him to go right was interrogated about the 5 ahead," said the intelligence to 10 men Who had been seen sergeant, shouldering his rifle running near his house. and plunging off once more into He said that they m1ght have the evil-smelling mud. 2BASES SMASHED IN NORTH VIETNAM~·- INDlA AND SOVIET IN VIETNAM PLEA End to U.S. Raids Asked as Shastri Ends Russian Trip suffered fewer casual- dead and wounded-an ~ killed by a. mortar Unlttd PrtsS International Radiophoto :aptain shot three tim.es . Sgt. Charles Brown of the 173d Airborne Brigade pauses By PETER GROSE runenoa.ns were in a for & smoke and a cup of coffee a.t lull in the fightinp;. Spoctal to Tile New Yorio: Ttmu 10d and anxious to pro- MOSCOW, May 19-lndia and l lRO RIGHTS AIDE JOHNSON PLEDGES _-:! e ~ ~ ~~;~~~¥::~::~r~;rl~ liN IN ALABAMA EFFORT FOR PEACE ~ .5 i ~ :~1!·E~~~~:~~:r:~! .,., Q) d - ork of the 1954 truce agree- "' • ....,. ~ ~ ent for Indochina. ~ ........,. d E--4 The appeal was contained In But Administration Refuses t'.l ~ ~ ~ ~ E=::= ~~d!~Ja~t:~e~~~~~~t~~i )St_udents at :ruske.gee to ·Rule Out Retaliatory Q) $.. ~ .!! "1:1 ~ dia's Prime Minister, Lal l r $.. t;:l "' <1> thadur Shastri. Mr. Shastt·i r o ,. ch tn Protest-White RaRfs in the Future 0 0 "" ~ :s 5:!3 tt for New Delhi last night l!:::=========:::::.=.~ In Is Held for Murder ~ :S:: >< ~ ¢tn the ancient Asian city of I BTII• New Ykork Ttmu tt ~! aky20d. l!l6; ' ~ !: s.o -- ~shkent, the last stop on his arrac s were a .ac e a~ ' < C: l:l ~ ~ Niet tour. Hoanlao (1). Mannes took Continued From Page 1, Col. 7 ,..... z ~ .J< ~ In prontises of' economic co~ . Truongdinh (2) . Planes hit b Untttd Press Intunatlonal C: ~ :::: ~ ci ...:::Z:: erat1 • SKEGEE, Ala., Jan. 4-A their point" In demonstrati~g O ~ 0 ~ CIS z ecific , . . Washington's resolve to fulf1ll .,_ ~ !. ~ r::.......... • Negro civ.l nghts work- its commitments to South Viet- •....,. to. >."' Z ~ liS shot to death today, nam. ....... ....c= ~ 0 rx-, ing off a 1,500-man march The raids by United State~ :";:::: C) ~ > \0 tgry fellow students and and South Vietnamese aircraft ~ ....., z ......_.. ~ .ng a call for Federal struck two. of the four target ..._. S ~ .... area~ origmally marked fot I >'-1 <:> u) tals. srmultaneous attack in reprisa. C\;J ~ ~ , I victim was 21-year-old for a Vietcong raid upon Ameri· ~ ~ == r I el L. Younge Jr., a politi- can forces in South Vietnam ~ 11111-l < ~ :ience major at TUskegee The targets were in southerr 'E;Ig. ~ ..-;: t red . tl N North Vietnam, out of range ~ ~. u e, a P omman Y e- ot the MIG fighter planes sta- • ~ ollege. tioned near Hanoi. All the in- Warnln ns by ~ rvin Segrest, a white, 69- stallations were said to be ~- 6 ...; lld service station opera- portant to the flow of supphes • 1 a.s charged with f·rst-de- from North V~etnam through s . ;;... . 1 lAOS to South Vletnam. , the OVl et a 4 nurder in the killing. Poor weather frustrated some 0 Younge was slain after of the missions and led to the oo . :edly having tried to use a second attack early today. AI- • G p-l lOrn at the service statiop othough some military advisersnd Chinese Z'l had hoped to use the present 0 · 1 Mr. Segrest worked as situation to damage all four ~ ight attendant. regions, the Administration t::: ~ather Signs Warrant chose to wa•~ and see ~hether overnments . the Commumst countr1es had lO :un~:~.~ s~:;:·th~a:~:~ v· t A h h ~ · for :Mr. Segrest's .arr~t. Ie m us o-.-- a.ls had been CODSldenJlb :LSe throughout the day. ~ .rles M. Keever, mayor of <