Harpur College 1966 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

l}J'itb ligbt step, as if eartb anb its tram= mtls ball little power to restrain bim, a poung man in gorgeous btstmtnts pauses at tbt brink of a precipice among tbt great btigbts of tbt worlb; bt surbtps tbt blut bistanct btfort bim- its expanse of skp ratbtr tban tbe prospect btlow. ~is act of eager walking is still inbicattb, tbougb be is stationarp at tbt gibtn moment; bis bog is still bounbing. ~bt tbgt wbicb opens on tbt btptb bas no terror; it is as if angtls wert waiting to upbolb bim, if it camt about tbat be ftll from tbt btigbt. ~is countenance is full of intelligence anb expectant bream. ~t is a prince of tbt otbtr worlb on bis trabtls tbrougb tbis ont. ~bt sun, wbicb sbints btbinb bim, knows wbtnct bt camt, wbitbtr bt is go= ing, anb bow bt will return bp anotbtr patb after manp baps. ~t is tbt !pirit in searcb of txptritnct. ~t sign if its tbt journt!' outwarb anb tbt state of tbt first emanation. ~is purst is inscribtb witb bim signs, to sbow tbat manp sub= • conscious memories art stortb up in tbt soul. 60