Harpur College 1966 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

ll over the Harpur campus the earth is sprouting physi- cal evidence of a master plan that's been a long time brewing in the air over our heads. Suddenly the vague abstractions of discussion rooms and drawing boards are becoming tangible re- alities. State University of New York at Binghamton is being born at Harpur College and all of us are feeling the labor pains. State University Center at Binghamton of the State ofNew York. What a strange pseudonym for the phenomenon of the conglomeration at Harpur College. Every- thing seems to be breaking up at once. At first there was ju t a lot of talking and writing about what was going to happen to the school as it grew, but it just wasn't personal. Even the construc- tion during those first couple of year was on the outskirts of the campus. But slowly the change which eemed so distant became an actual fact.