Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
cross-country ROW I A COOK COACH J . BARNO J GOODISON W McGLADF J LINDERMAN ROW 2 0 HAMAN R EVA NS T AVERY 100 HARPUR OPPONENT 27 Champlain 28 39 Hartwick 16 46 Scranton 15 Cro Country made its initial appearance at Harpur in the fall of 19 50. The team, coached by Andy ook, did well in winning it first meet against an experienced Cham– plain quad, but was unable to regain the winning ide of the ledger for the rest of the ea on. Harpur' Harrier al o participated in the fir t annual lew York tate Collegiate Track and Field Association meet at Cortland in 1 ovember. The hill and dale men all fini hed, led by Bob Evan , with Terry Avery, Don Haman and Lee Turner following.
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