Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

ROW 1 M. RUOIK , M PIZZILLO. W LOWE ROW 2 C CRAWFORD F SA NGES R MARECHEK W MARUSICH Pizzillo gets set for a long drive 103 golf TCC OPPONENT 9 Wilkes 0 9 Bloomsburg 0 Invitational Tourney 214 Cortland 220 Utica 226 Ithaca 231 Un cored on in dual competition and victors m t he Invitational Tournament, the golfers, under coach John Budd, h.1d a brief but succe sful ea on. Bill Marusich, with 73, led the Colonials to a 9-0 victory over Wilkes ollege. The teJm average was 76.3 . Harpur wa '' ictorious in the In vita tiona I Tourna- ment at En-Joie with a team score of 214. ortland tate finished with 220, Utica 226 and Ithaca 231. Bob Marecheck was low man for Harpur with 74. Marecheck, with 73, again paced the team again t Bloom burg in the Ia t match of the e.l.on. The chedule ended a it began-with a 9-0 \ictory.