Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

for the e tablishment of a four year lil::cral arts college of the state univer ity in the Town of Union. On eptember I, Triple Cities College l::ccame a unit of the university sy rem, and a shore time later its name wa officially changed to Harpur ollege in hono~ of Robert Harpur-an early ceder of Brcome Count} and a leading educator of the Post-Colonial period. The [rst student to recei,·e degree from the State ni,·ersity o' 1 ' ew York will be graduated from Harpur College in June. They ha,·e been onl} part of "the great experimenr" in higher cducaticn whi·: h is beginning in 8 this area. oon the phy ical plant which now con tirure the college will be no more. In it read, new buildings will ri e on the hills overlooking thi valley; a rockbound base of determination and hard work makes it ucce incYi- obi~. Res: urceful planning and concerted community energy were utilized ro make chi dream a reality. A per– manent college ha no\\ been secured for rhe Triple Citic ; it. 1h .>si :!I plant will s; on be a well-establi hed .1s irs academic and cultural influences are now. The fin.1l chapter is being written ..