Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
--=--====~==========~ Compliments of l~xandcr arv~ lolhin(\ . ~oun \l\ mn I on Formerly " The ESKUIRE" Compliments of ENDICOTT LINCOLN-MERCURY, Inc. 3400 E. Main Street ENDICOTT, N. Y. I Myers Paint and Wallpaper Store 135 Washington Avenue 5-8520 Everything in Endicott, N. Y. /l~ttSt:tpfdiu Grumbacher OILS and BRUSHES BRING YOUR PHOTO PROBLEMS TO Endicott Camera Shop For Reliable and Friendly Assistance Congratulations-----__, TO THE MEMBERS OF HARPUR COLLEGE'S First GRADUATING cLAss FROM THE SOUTHERN TIER 1 S First NEWSPAPERS: The Binglra1nton P1•ess L..-----------Tire Sruuluy Press 119
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