Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

Foster Disinger Mel Branning 's Photo Studio 126 Front Street ~hamtan'< Fin•<l Studio 119 Washington Avenue Endicott, New York Phone 5-1 071 Pteue~ ~ P~--IT PAYS! Planning with your printer pays off in lower printing costs, improved efficiency, and better results. For expert guidance in solving your printing problems, rely on the Johnson City Publishing Company. fifty-three years of continuous printing progress, plus the latest in modern letterpress and offset lithography equipment will insure your printing is the best available. THE JOHNSON CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY PHONES: 7-4632 or 7-6280 90- 100 ARCH STREET JOHNSON CITY, N. Y Printers of "The Colonist" 120