Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
JOSEPH V. IANNONE SOCIAL SCIENCE ENDICOTI, NEW YORK "C/elJr slaft·m~'JJ is arp,umrnl.u Italian Club 1, .ol; International Relations Club .ol. o!/951 WILLIAM J. KEAL GENERAL BUSINESS ALBANY, NEW YORK "1 comnut the rrsf to forltwr." Baccacia 1, 2, 3, 4; Sus.iness. Administration Club 2, 3. DAVID JONES SCIENCE SCRANTON, PENNA. "Pri·srnr me, 0 m) utlrgrif), siJrcr I barr dtli!(r~tll) prr– un rd tbrr." Soiens 3, .ol; Track 1; German Club 1, 2; Protestant Group 1, 2; Co!o"''ist 2, 3; Intramural Softball 2. ROBERT KOHNSTAM GENERAL BUSINESS BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK "Wisdom is bo,.gbt b) r.- Adelphi 2, Pres. 3, 4; Band 4; Intramural Softball 2, 3. 35 JOHN R. KANE MATHEMATICS WAVERLY, NEW YORK , /las/ so mucb 1til aud mirtb.u Soiens 2, Trees. 3, 4; Newman Club 2, 3, .ol; Clau Sgt.·at· Arms 3; Intramural Softball 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3. JOHN C. KOTCHICK SCIENCE ENDICOTT, NEW YORK "Our "''' "''" lure is 1101 urrlikr our ~t.:htr." GEORGE KOURY ACCOUNTING BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK Krm-sigbtrd i11 moilers of bi4Sil1t'ss/' Varsity Tennis 2, 3; Colonial News Busine u Mgr. 4. WOLFGANG KRIEGSMAN FOREIGN LANGUAGES BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK Tbr r<bole ~torld is 111) r~alii'C lanJ." Class Pres. 1; USG Treas. 3, Pres . .ol; French Club 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club Treas. 3, 4; Span· ish Club 4; Slavic Club Pres. 4; Dionysian 2, 3, 4; English Club 2, 3; Pin Topplers 2, 3, .ol; Chairman WSSF 2, 3.
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