Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

SAMUEL MARCONE FOREIGN lANGUAGES ENDICOTT, NEW YORK ~A .~ood 111011 ba/>1>1 i.< a com– mOll good." Italian Club 3; Spanish Club 3; Newman Club 4; Boccacio 4. oll951 GEORGE MEAKER GENERAL BUSINESS WHITNEY POINT, NEW YORK Golden Circle 1, 2, 3. ROBERT MARECHEK ENGLISH BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK " V<' bm flu bear! dares to speak, II 11ertls 110 pr~·par11tio11." Varsity uH'' Pres. 4; Golf 2, 3, 4. FRANK ~ MEDDAUGH PSYCHOLOGY BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK " I lik1· tby uoil " ell." Intramural Football 4, Basket– ball 4. 37 JACK H. MCCALLUM GENERAl BUSINESS CANISTEO, NEW YORK "Rratl) clrt rrun s btu Ol cTCOIIH' all fiJiii/I,S b) dl'frrllllllU· liou." KENNETH D. MIDGLEY PSYCHOLOGY ENDICOTT, NEW YORK "Crrtaiuly, be " as a xood fel– lott .'' Goliards 3, Treas. 4; Pistol Club 4, V. Pres. 2, Pres. 3; Intra· mural Softball 2; Class Pres. 4. JAMES . MACKERCHAR GENERAL BUSINESS ROCHESTER, NEW YORK Notbiug is more r·aluable to a man tban courtesy and mildness." Business Administrafon Club 4; Soiens 4. ' ROBERT J. MIKULSKI GENERAl BUSINESS BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK ~rr k now m) busiurss." Business Administration Club 4; Alpha Phi Omega 4; Interna– tional Relations Club 4.