Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

C PUTRINO, K MIDGLEY P BLISS E ZISKA J KOTCHICK enior Officers, Ja!rllt11"_) President r o~ · RD Zl KA Vice Prr idl'lll K ' £TH MIDGLn ecrclary PATRI lA BLI Treasurer JOH. KOT HI K ergean I -al-Ar 111 HARL PUTRI.NO Partially ob cured by our best uit , chat wa us you ju t looked at-the first Harpur !cnior. We few, we happy few, arc the intrepid band who came three or four years ago co young T . And here we rayed. Here it i that we cho e to rake our Liberal art , our Bu inc Admini trarion and our 'oDoz. hilc here, we at m cia I 800 hour each, le cut . In the wilde t imaginings of our in tructor , we tudied 3600 hours out ide of clas . We read. AI Capp-ye. nd Ellery Queen, and Kin ey. But also phoclcs, and haucer. mar, Tolstoy and Hau- bert. And haw and lark Twain and Poe \'fe h rcncd. Cole Porter, ye . Bob Hope, ure. But Bnhm~ too. 1 vcn ho tako,ich. And be ide thee, all the book \Wirer , ong ingcrs, cnator , cien!i ts, and eer ... '' e li tcncd to them all-and to ea h other. '\ ' h1ch bring us to the people--the unbelievable people. In jean or dinner jacket , behind horn- rimmed gla e or the 44 K MIDGLEY, C PUTRINO . V LANGELAND H WOLFSON, J KOTCHICK enior Officers, J 1111£' Class Prrsit!rnl KE 'ETH '\110 L l \ Vice Prr idenf HAROLD \VOl F 0'- ecrl'lar) VIRGI lA LA . Gil A:"o.D Treasurer JOH KOTC HICK ergea 11 I -a/ -Arm HARLr PUTRI:"o.O eight ounce variety, bleary-eyed at morning or o ified at night, the wonderful people have been our good comrade and true, and they will not be forgotten. Nor will the night life. Well do we remember rho e night of the oirce , the revel , and the ba canale ! '\ hen rhe mead did flow, and rhe health were drunk, and orne of the tudcnt . 0 lt•m pora, 0 mort· I! But our time has come. And o, a the un cr O\ cr rhc prefab , we pick up our battered little L. mirh , mooch the wrinkle in our grey flannels, and ay farewell to all of it-to Alma :\1arer and its quaint inhabitants. Turning back at the gate for a hu look, d·c·c is a cat h in our throat , and we take a righter grip en the porcelam reins that we carry away with us, for the nlti,·es-rhi friendly, simple people we have li\'cd among during the four years of our expedition-arc inging to u . " 1 /on,~, it's brt'll .~ood to knott _)O