Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
acle/phi ROW I T BLAUVELT J SINCHAK R BLAZSO C ASWAD W DINO W WARNER R BUCH INSKY ROW 2 H LIEBSTER F RUSNAK N DUNHAM D. CH IOSKY J NORRIS c KOLOSNA R EVERETT R KOHNSTAM F NEM lA R TURNER R. ASH ROW 3 H BATEMAN T IVORY D. LAUDER P BRECKINRIDGE T SCOTT J CONSEY T 0 CONNOR C. GRABOWSKI D. WEBSTER J LENEY F HORKOTT H MORSE President Vice President ecrelary Corresponding Secrelar_) Treasurer ergeanl-at-Ar 1/1 s AdL'isors - WILLIAM DI ' 0 ILLIAM WAR ' R DAVIO LAUOER THOMAS BLAUV LT HARTWELL MORSE RICHARD A H - ROBERT BUCHI KY OARWI LI OSLEY PHILIP BRECKI• RIDG MR. POMEROY MR. WIFT 58 0 IAL CAl r. 'DAR Ocwber December february March ~II TLETOE FALL MIX G \IIX pril !\by june T C TE IE AT THE CAR. /11 brollurboo.l rn·'n· jo11111lrd, l'or fril'lldsb•P drrp ar11f lrur– Adr/Pb•, lrl )OIIr so11g ri11g out t111d bail tbr go/J a11,f bill<'." OIREF. PREP CO\X' PA TURL CAPER CHOLAR HIP PRF. F ' TATIO ' T!J,. A11thcm, \\:'alter tantcl Adelphi ha been on campu three year ... and where we come from, suh, that period i like three-fifths of the world' recorded histor)'. In that time the boys have e tab– li hed themsel ve a scho lars, dauntle contender on the intramural barked- hin, plit-fingcr circuits, and gentlemen who how an inbred taste for the good life. La t spring, the club placed top on the men' club roster for chola tic standing. This year, they copped intramural champion hip in touch foclball and ba ketball (almo t.) They attribute their uccess to rigorou training. e li t above)
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