Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

Adloyho ... advancement, loyalty and hone ty their motto.... And have you ever seen a more honest looking foursome than Kearsey, Kelley, Haman and ewman gathered around a cafeteria table? Word al o is abroad that the members had quite a full sports schedule . . . basketball, football and ba eball. We hear they didn't have much luck this year but the word has gone out to the oppo ition to "watch out next year," and that may be good advice. Remember that Albany Teachers' game? ... Adloyho was the home cheering section at that one and introduced our Pep Band ... and those arne men have been seen again and again as Harpur's most faithful fans ... loyal, aren't they? And advancement ... let' give them time for that .. because right now they are Harpur' younge t ocial club .. but their progress ha been terrific to date. 59 President Vice President ecretary Treasurer Historian Advisors aclloyho ROW 1 J KELLEY R BALLARD R NEWMAN D 0 CONNELL R KOENIG ROW 2 MR . DOUGLASS B EELLS D SEAMAN R DIPIETRO M '<EARSEY H HERZOG D HAMAN D, BROWN J . WELSH H . COVERT ROBERT EWMAN JAME W LSH RAYMO 0 BALLARD RAYMO 0 KOE IG ELL KELLEY MR. ALLEN MR. DOUGLASS