Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
baccacia ROW 1: 0 BENJAMIN W BARNO W HOWARD P PICCIRILLI R MORR IS T ZOWINE ROW Z MR SMITH H WOLFSON G ROUFF S MARCONE C G lARUSSO f COLEMAN 0 STONE B BENJAM I N J . BIGNEY L . BUCCI R KEAL A WEISS MR BELN IAK President Vice President ecretary Treasurer Adt•isors LOU! PT !RILL! \\' ALTER HO" ' ARD ROBFRT BAR:\:0 DO. ALD BF..:-.'JAMI.:-.' ROBERT MORRI MR. BEL.:-.'IAK .MR. .MITH 60 0 IAL CALU\DAR December 19! 0 December 19!0 April 19! l HIP\X' RECK DANCJ PRE-\11 TLETO£ BAll PARTY A IPU CHI-: T DRIVJ \Ia) 1?5l Baccacia wa formed in 1946 and wa the first social organization on campu . incc then Baccacia men have been prominent figures in Harpur life with picnics, partie and dance , the mo t famou of which is the Shipwreck Dance. Thi year the dancers were greeted by a full size mermaid but don't get excited . he wa only a mannequin. A ca h cholar hip of seventy-five dollar is al o given annually at this dance to orne student outstanding in chool activities, both schola tically and in extra-curricular affairs .. Chuch Aswad was this year's lucky winner. The Baccacians are al o active in intramural athletic and ha e given champion candidate some worried moment in basketball football and oftball. These sons of Bacchus appear to be succe sful everywhere oval ... in the Campus Che t drive Ball party or Spring Weekend party . . party . . party. on the mound or . at the Mistletoe Ah ye ... party
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