Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
October 'ov~mber December March April i.\hy june 0 IAL ALl , DAR PLEDGE PARTY 'TRA~1URAL FOOTBAlL I ' ITJAT!O, 01 ' 'ER TRAMURAL BA KETBALL PRE-Ml TLETOL BALL PARTY KILLAR EY KAPER lNTRAM RAL OFTBALL PRJ '(, WL EKOID PARTY GRADUATE ' MOKER The atens have joined other campu organizations a leaders in Harpur' social life ... with headquarters, political and otherwi e, at 70H Monroe Street .. . Dewey, Biggs and DeWan that is ... Don't forget George Smith and his trusty camera to record for "posterity" the antic of club members and the impressive plaque hanging in the Colonial Jounge al o must be credited to the organization ... Needless to ay, the members enjoy the planning, preparations and such, needed to co- pon or the Killarney Kaper and no ex– planation i neces ary. Those grey sweaters with the maroon insignia have really gotten around this year! Preside11f Vice Presidmt ecrefary T rras 11 rer Sergea11l-at -Arms H isloria11 AdL·isor • sa1ens ROW I W WILLIAMS J STEIGERWALD G SMITH H BIGGS P. DEWEY T DEWAN D SHORT ROW 2 G LfMONIADES E. DEWAN W COCHER W McGLADE E MCGLYNN A PA NDISH R KANE C HEATH G. REJEBIAN F ABDALLAH J FERRANTI R GRAPER M THALLINGER ROW 3 F WESCOTT B DETRICK N SKEIRIK J MACKERCHER R SAMMONS R FLETCHER L McWHERTER P UL DE \\'I Y HOMER BIGG JAMES TEIGERWALD CO RAD DE'> A• DAVID HORT GEORGE MJTH MR. AULBA H
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