Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

panclorans ROW I · J BABBITT P VANETTEN R CAMP B CHAFFEE K HALEY E THURSTON ROW 2 M ROUNDS A MICHLIK P BLISS J LYONS J THOMAS ROW 3 M BOTTINO C BARTLE S MULLEN J 0 CONNOR J DANIELS J CONKLIN J KING I CROSS D DANIELS J YOUNG J DECKER J CONORAN ROW 4 B CARL E BOTTINO J PURTELL B MAAS President ViCl' President ecrrtary Treasurer II isforiau Ad L ison __ _ PATRICIA BLI S 1ARILY. BROWN JUNE AN , LYON J AN MA DOUGALL ARLEN MICHLIK JOAN PURTELL MARGUERITE ROUND JEAN . THOMA ELLE. THUR TON >..ITSS PITFI. 1R.P-RRY 6-f October December Fcbruar)' March P.1ndor~ns OCIAL CAL~. NDAR I I ·\, 0 ADIL HI\ '- K: ·~ J " !'\ HOLLY I I<W CAR ' TV AL Of' Ill \RT ADIE HA\X'KI. S PARTY PRL G DINNER DANCE fudge ... nuts and bolts. \'\l'ho could e"cr forget rho<e one-inch-square pieces cf fudge th3t were sold two-for-a-nickel out ide the cafer~ria? . . there were even obs and abs by the faculqr . And rh:~t "the way to a man' heart" business mu t ring true, especially ince several Pandoran are now wearing tho e third-finger, left hand ring . The nuts and bolts ale was a money raising project Heard down the hall .. Jeannie Thomas ju t walked up to me, gave me that green-eyed it's-a-lovely day look and dangled a nuts and bolts package in front of my face. How cculd I refuse! \Vhat are they for . . who knows? Believe us, it was a good cau e.