Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
german club ROW I W KRIEGSMAN D STONE R BUCHI NSKY B CARL F. WESCOTT ROW 2 MR WILLIAMSON B BENJAMIN C ASWAD R DIPIETRO R RAT H R NEWMAN P COLVIN H HERZOG D SHEFFIELD D SHORT H DOPPEL MR WEIGA ND Pre ide11f Vice Presidc11f ccrefary Treasurer ergea111-at-Arm ROB · RT BU HI , KY D VIO TO. E B TTY RL BILL KRIEGSM LARRY 70 Intere t in the German lub incrca ed this year ... there wa a new faculty advi or, Mr. William on ... Mr. Weigand' waltz became even more legendary ... there wa a po t-war German movie vcr ion of Die Fledermau . . and anyone heard aying ">a" became a member in good tanding, which about a good a elective method a any force ever devi ed. But the German Club made the e " draftee " like it for where arc there more piritcd ingers and dancer and eater and commercial trio ? They may, of cour e, be re– placed, ince plan to introduce puppen pirl (pending acqui i– tion of the puppets) are now being considered . .. Paulchen thinks they may be more manageable than hi live Kerlr 1111tl Made/Jell .
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