Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
o~cober December :.hrch \h y SOC IAL CALE DAR HALLOWE'EN PARTY CH ' ITZELBA 'K PARTY TWELFTH NIGHT TWIRL INTERNATIONAL ' IGHT AN ' UAL PICN IC The Italian Club has been primarily concerned with promoting Italian culture at Harpur. Presentation of an Italian play has become an annual event. This year it was " La Locondura," a comedy in three acts with Mary Ann Ferr:~ri playing the le:~d, and last year we laughed at "La Vcdov:~ Scalera." And who could put away the memories of the Schnitzel " Bunk" Party, first of the lntcrnational Language So iety's affairs ... or maybe some of you can't remember ... reports ha ve hinted this was a very successful meeting of " the minds" . .. International Night furnished the usual stimulus to the advancement of community culture . . . the Chuck Aloi hot pic legend is still growing ... and compliments are still in order on Don Sheffield's amazing "Tower of Pizza." President Vice President ecrelttry Treawrer 71 italian club ROW I · C PUTRI NO V. GI ARUSSO C. ALOI A. GIUNTA R. NEWTON S MARCONE ROW 2 L. BUCCI MR. BER NARDO D SHEFFIELD R. DIUTE E. BOTTI NO M. BOTTI NO M. FERRARI W KUBLER N SASSA NI V GALLUCCIO ROW 3 R. PICCIA NO G. IANNONE F NEMIA D HEAPPS CARME LO ALOI RICHARD N EWTO CATINO GIU TA J E , • I VAL LONE :IR. B ER. ARDO
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