Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
outing club President HAROLD HERZOG Vice President OLLEE , MULLL ecrl'iary BARBARA HURLBUT Treasurer 'Xf ALTER COMBS ergeant -at-Arms HAROLD BATEMA , AdL'isors MR. COATE MR. HUPPE i(, ROW I· 0 . LYLES P LEWIS J MURRAY M PRATT A MCDEVITT E KNAUF C MULLI N J B~EWER ROW 2 : M i!OBINSON J VALLONE G BAKOSH J LYONS H HE~ZOG J PURTELL P COLVIN B HURLBUT L AVERY F GUTH I CROSS E 0 NEILL J WEISS ( HALABRIN The Outing Club i one of the newest interest club on campus. An invitation to a joint Outing Club meeting held in Syracuse with variou lew York State colleges w~ the beginning. Students attending this meeting f ormcd rhe n u– cleus of our present Harpur Outing Club which ha pon ored several hikes and picnics as well as a very successful quare dance at the IBM Rod and Gun Club. Dropping in on orne of their recent meetings you may have heard of a pecial winter outing planned with skiing, square dancing and ood food. Best of luck, you hearty Outing Club member !
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