Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
Boys and girls, profs and proteges-it' all evens on Friday afternoon when these Harpurites get cogether on the K. of C. .tlley ro bowl. All distinction , except for pin handicaps, are symbolically brushed away at the start, through a strange ritual in which each of the devotees covers his finger with ch:~lk. They then begin hurtling the mineralites down the allcp, at the same time gyrating through a series of move– ment called Body English, and issuing forth with lusty shouts of "fore," or "track," or whatever it is you holler at the pu1 boy. The Harpur ten pin circuit has some 40 aficionados of the art with averages ranging from 15 5 (good, they tell us,) co 7~ (anyway, you meet a lot of nice people). I Weekly prize are awarded to the pin topplers for men's and women's high single and triple; an annual trophy iven in each of these categories at the end of the year. cason's end is also marked by the yearly keglers' ban– quet. At this affair, the aforementioned trophic arc passed out, to the accompaniment of much welkin-ringing, average– ..::omparing and food-eating. 77 Presidmt pin topplers ROW I L WOOD E DEIFFENBACH W KRIEGSMAN J MARKS B EELLS G IANNONE L PICCIRILLI ROW 2 C MOORE MISS CHIARULLI C MULLIN L WELCH P GAFFNEY A McDEVITT B HURLBUT J CONORAN J GREEN A WEISS ROW 3 R TRABUCCO G ROUFF MR WEIGAND P L'GRANGE D HAMAN W KUBLER R KOENIG M KEARSEY T ZOWINE C PUTRINO V GALLUCCIO ROW 4 MR BERNARDO MR POMEROY MR LUTZ MR ALEXANDER MR KENT LESLJE WOOD D DIEFFENBACH Vice President . ·------ ______ ----- MICHAEL KEARS y Secretary _ -------- ---- ------ ------------ DELE MCDEVITT Trf'asurer CHARLES PUTRJNO
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