Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
pistol ancl rifle club ROW I R McCORMICK M ROBINSON 8 JONES C HAMILTON ROW 2 · T STEEN K MIDGLEY J £!ARNO J GILG Presidmt -------------------------------- - JAME M C CORMI K Vice President ROBERT MCCORMICK Secrelar) ____ --------- ROBERT DOWD Treasurer __ -------------------------- ---------- JO EPH GILG 78 The Colonial Pistol Club was organized in 1949 and the first business meetings were held informally in the cafeteria. Who knows?! Maybe those informal French class meeting also will develop into something .... The members have now widened their horizons somewhat. A new firearm has come to their interest, the rifle, and the original Pistol Club has taken the name, the Pi tol and Rifle Club. Shooting teams were formed, both for men and the girls, and numerous matches occurred outdoors in the fall and spring and indoors in the winter. Frequent trips were made to the Square Deal Rod and Gun Club Range for pistol practice for these marches. We wonder who won? ... the boys or the girls? Other ae£ivities also included a talk by Endicott Police Chief leroy Wike and formal instruction by Binghamton Police Range officers.
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