Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

the colonial players ROW 1: C WILLIAMS F NEM lA Z JA NOWSKI E GOLDBERG G ROUFF D LINDSLEY ROW 2 A PLATT S. MULLEN P VA NETTE N E THURSTON M BUTLIEN W WARNER MR ALBERT President Vice Presidmt SecrrtarJ' Treasurer _ Advisors ER \'VI. GOLOBERG OARWI:-.1 LJ OSL Y VIRGINIA LA , GE LAl\.'0 GILB RT ROUFF MR. FARROW MR. ALBERT 82 The COLO IAL PLAYERS present ... and they did– in a big way, as is illustrated on the oppo ire page. The 19 S 0 Spring Revue, directed by Sidney P. Albert, a smashing succe s ... then, during the fall of 1950-Mr. Albert again direct– ing-The \'ViiiS!ow Boy ... with a cast almost complete!)' new to Harpur College theatrical circles ... another hit .. . and promise of greater things from actors in embryo ... In the spring ... Wayne Farrow directing GootlbJe My Ftmcy . and great plans for a bigger and better ... is it po siblc? pring Revue. Don' t forget ... bouquets to the stage crews-carpen– ters, electricians, sound men painters and general handymen ... and ticket sellers, publicit y chairmen ... and prop com– mince . . to name a few. The COLO IAL PLAYERS . . a fine example of co- ordinated effort to present to ) Oil the best in the theatre . . . .