Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

Tbr \Vin.lou Bo) ... dramatically pre ented to you . .1 terling performance by "old reliable" Jack Gilman .. love intcre t realistically provided by Ziggy Wolf on and mny Langeland ... who made an impre ive debut . a did Jame Kelle , Ellen Thur ton, Phylli immon, AI Bebcl, Frank 'emia and Gene ro . and don't forget that "debauched athlete'' in the person of Lee Kaminska . It all provided an entertaining evening. ll' Off tbr Record, but do you remcml:er John Leney elegantly garbed in that vivid chartreuse towel ... am Dougla "Plunger" yelling fiL ! ... the sophi ticated trio of A wad, ook and Coven )Odrlm,~ ... and Maria Jimenez blowing her line and making the how.... Or did you ee your elf in the "8 0' lock Ia s" lecture on the effect of alcohol on men and other animals. . . And weren't you proud of "our own" original mu ic orche tration cripts . . . and production? It' too bad the talent cout mi ed uch a great performance.