Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access
the colonist ROW I J LYONS C MULLEN A . BROWN E. KNAUF B CHAFFEE J WEISS ROW 2 G. ROUFF T BEBEL J DECKER R DIUTE P COLVIN E GOLDBERG W BARNO B HURLBUT C ARMSTRONG N PANKO MR SILVERTON ROW 3 F WESCOTT W MAYER W IRVING P DEWEY R HOOD R NEUMANN Here is the 19 51 COLO IST. Here in picture and prose i the stoq• of our college ... how it grew from TCC to Harpur .. how it is growing out of pre-fabs into per- manence of what is being done as it grows. There's a lot that i n't here, too. We like a book with padded covers, four-color di,riders, scintillating copy and distinctive layouts ju t as much as you reader do. But like the college, the COlO 1 1ST is till young. It is having a difficult adolescence, roo, and it has had to struggle along with inexperience, a limited allowance and general growing pains . . o life has not been simple. After all, do you know whether to use a 100 or 1}} screen for better engravings ... which type faces are ans-serif .. how to order reverse line– cuts . . . how to figure copy per square inch (without a calculator) . . . or even how to type on worn-out L. C. Smiths? But the COLO I T, we think you'll agree, is no longer an infant. It had a professional photographer this year ... good engraver and printer ... an advisor with connections . and a taff that worked hard to make it grow. Anyway, here it is ... rhe COLO 1ST is your book now. The Editor STAFF Carol Armstrong Greg Lemoniod es Loretta Avery William Meyer Theresa Bebe l He len Moffatt M i ldred Butlien John Moore Patricia Colv in Colleen Mu ll in Wi lliam Davies Royle Neumann John Decker Nicholas Panko Maurice Dewey Gi lbert Rouff Mary Ann Ferrar i Charles Sudbr ink Barbaro Hurlbut Joan We iss 86
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