Harpur College 1951 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

Prrsidt'nl Vier Prrsidcnl l'Crl'lary T rt•a 11 rrr rrgt•a nl-ai-Arms Ad t•isors Fall, 1950 ROB · RT 1ARE HEK GENE KOBYLARZ ROBERT HOOD MICHAEL BARA ' H ROLD BATEMA 1R. OOK MR. \V[L.BORN ar ity "H", the newly organized lettermen' club, came into e i renee as a re ult of idea germinated almo t imultaneou ly in the mind of Athletic Director Gene Wel– born and port writer Fred Guth. The organization of a lettermen' club wa fir r ugge ted during the 1950 pring erne ter, bur no action wa taken to e tabli h the club until the fall term. n 0 tober 17, 1950 acting pre ident Tom Zowine called the fir t meeting to order. Var ity "H" then elected officer and drew up a charter for their organization. The main project of the Var ity "H" thi year ha been the handling of conce sion at h:>me ba ketball game . Thi proved to be a uccess for both the Iub and the pectator attending these conte t . One of the basic purpo es of Var ity "H" i the pro– motion of clean port man hip at Harpur. All athlete who have earned a var ity letter for participation in any major port are eligible to join actively in the organization. 95 Prrsiclrnl Vicl' Prt• idrnl rcrrtan Trrttsurrr rrgrant-al-Arm Adt i ors varsity ""h"" pring, 195 I ROW I M BARAN H. BATE14AN R. NARECHEK E KOBYLARZ R HOOD G T014AN ROW 2 T. 0 CONNOR R OWEN W DAVIES P BRECKINRIDGE H HERZOG G KOURY C GRABOWSKI H. WOLFSON ROW 3 J DUNBAR N RANO C. PUTRINO F GUTH W. McGLADE J LENEY T, ZOWINE MR . WELBORN rRlD G TH HAROLD HLRZOG HAROLD B TLMA . Ml HA ·L B RA:\ GORDO:\ IVA MR. OOK MR. \\I BOR!\