Triple Cities College 1948 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access - HTML5 format
Within the pages of this book you will find a pictorial record and a narrative account of some of the outstanding events of the first two years in the history of Triple Cities College of Syracuse University. It is to be hoped that even an outsider, looking idly through this record, may sense the essential spirit of fellowship and good-will which permeates this new institution. Those of us who have lived these two years together as students, faculty members and administrative staff do not need this printed word to tell us of the high morale of this College. But as time passes and as details fade from our memory, this book will have increasing value as a remainder not only of the events chronicled but of other more numerous and more personal episodes which are now a part of the background of each of us. Together we have seen this College grow through periods which may be flippantly described as: (1) the "Sunday-School Room Curtain" stage, (2) the "Pot-Bellied Stove" stage, and (3) the "One Unit Crowded Corridor" stage, into (4) the "Two Unit Adequate (though temporary) Class Room" stag~. These physical stages represent educational epochs (1) for Freshman work only, (2) for Fresh– man and related work, and (3) for Freshman, Sophomore and related work, to the present (4) Limited Major program of a four year college. We are just beginning. Bigger and better physical stages and broader and more comprehensive educational epochs lie before us. We will achieve these goals because destiny is with us and because we are united in the objective of placing in this area a splendid educational institution, fully worthy of the pride and esteem of the community and of ourselves 1~ Glenn G. Bartle Dean
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